Koriyama Tourism Promotional Association

Sightseeing around Koriyama


Jodomatsu Park
Goreibitsu Pass
Miharu Dam and its surrounding area
The Choshigataki Falls
Bonari Green Line
Mt.Yomogiyama Walkway
The Abukuma River Village of Swans (winter)
Funatsu Park
Tatehama Beach
Banyushinden Skunk Cabbage Habitat
The Suge Falls
Nunobiki Height
Oninuma Pond
Byobu Rocks
Swans in Kamakura Pond (winter)
Mt.Hitaitori (Mt.Asaka)
Mt. Ippai
Minamigawa Ravine


Kaiseizan Park
Ouse Park
Asakayama Park
Gohyakubuchi Park
Seseragi Komichi, a narrow path along the murmuring brook
Hayama Park
Mt. Takashino Forest Park
Uneme Park
Kaguike Park
Otsuki Park

Highight of flowers

Miharu Farm Herb Garden
Bonarikogen Iris Garden
Village of 4 seasons, Ryokusui En
Rainbow Flower Park
Red Drooping Jizo Cherry Tree
Rose Garden in the Kaiseizan Park

Historical sites

Asaka Historical Museum
Koriyama Public Hall
Kaisei Museum, Official Residence of Asaka Pioneering
Sesson-An Hermitage
The Oshu Road roadside pine trees
Ounomiya Izu Shrine
Sankadera Temple
Jakotsu Jizo
Seisyouhin Beach(Monument of Yutaka Mafune's literature
The Ruins of Utsumine Castle
Oyasuba Tomb Mound
Shrine of Shizuka Gozen

Public Facilities

"Big I" Building of redevelopment of the west gateway of Koriyama Station
Koriyama City Museum of Art
Koriyama Yurakkusu Atami, Ice Arena
Hiwada Collection Hall of Takakura Dolls
Big Palette Fukushima
Koriyama Skating Rink
Koriyama Nature House
Koriyama Bungaku no Mori Museum
Youth Hall
Lakeside Village of Youth
Koriyama City Cultural Center

Leisure Spot

Koriyama Culture Park
Takahata Vineyard for tourists
Takashiba Deko Yashiki
Ishimushiro Ranch
Takatama Gold Mine
Koriyama City Fureai Science Center "Space Park"

Cultural Assets

Nyohoji Temple
Pegmatite Stone
Nakaji Daibutsu
Zelkova of Daibutsu
Okitsushima Jinja Shasou
Katsura of Akatsu
Mayumi of Tate
Meoto Momi
Otoro Taishido Buddhise Temple
Tamura Shrine
Kabuki of Yanagihashi
Karakasa Andon Hanabi (Fireworks of oiled-paper umbrella on a paper box for oil lamp) of Tomioka